Mold/Allergen Sampling

Whether you are a homeowner or are purchasing, leasing, or managing a commercial property, a healthy building is essential. That’s why the professional mold inspectors at Burgess Inspections, Inc. offer mold and indoor air quality assessment services. Contact us at (844) 804-9219 to request a free quote or schedule online now.

Avoid Health Risks with Mold Sampling

Ensure your family and employees are safe with our professional mold sampling services. Mold can be a health hazard for children, the elderly, expectant mothers, and those who already have health challenges, making them especially vulnerable to its effects. According to OSHA, those diagnosed with the following conditions are more likely to be affected by mold:

Weakened immune system


Asthma and other respiratory issues


*Disclaimer: Cannot perform if raining or if below freezing within 2-3 hours of the test

Our Mold Sampling Procedures

Burgess Inspections will conduct a mold test to assess your risk of mold exposure. We will provide answers to your concerns, giving you peace of mind about your property. A trained inspector will implement the following professionally established procedures to test your residential or commercial building:

Mold Sampling Richmond VA
  • Scan the structure for any visible evidence of mold or moisture.
  • Take indoor and outdoor air samples, as well as tape lifts when needed.
  • Send samples to a nationally accredited laboratory for assessment.
  • Send you a report from the lab that will analyze the sample.
  • Air sampling lab reports will identify specific levels of mold or allergens to help in any necessary remediation.
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Customer-Focused & Experience-Driven

Contact Burgess Inspections today to request a free quote by calling (844) 804-9219. You can also conveniently schedule online now for a mold sampling from our professional mold inspectors in Richmond, Gloucester, Harrisonburg, Staunton, West Point, Henrico County, and beyond. Choose from our buyer home inspections, seller home inspections, radon testing, and termite and WDI inspections.

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